5 blogging mistakes that will get you rejected by Wordpress and Blogger || Techs Advisors

There are many mistakes that can ruin your chance of getting wordpress or blogger approval and since most bloggers don’t know this, they do such mistakes unknowingly and get their blogs rejected by the blog platforms. I have compiled the top 5 blogging mistakes that will get you rejected by wordpress and blogger, so if you are planning to start your own blogger blog or trying to get approved by wordpress, be sure not to make these mistakes below.

Improper format

One of the most common mistakes bloggers make is using improper blog post formatting. Proper blog post formatting ensures your blog posts are indexed properly in search engines, which means more organic traffic for your blog. Proper blogging formatting also increases the chances of adsense approval because these policies stipulate that a site's content must be readily accessible without scrolling, clicking, or jumping to other sites.

Keep your paragraphs short - no more than four to five sentences at a time. Longer posts may be difficult for readers to digest, especially if they're on a mobile device or reading with an RSS feed. Posts longer than 1,000 words are even worse because they often don't pass automated spam filters on Google and other search engines.

Bad grammar

Google Adsense approval rates are high for good reason. Make sure your content is on point to avoid being denied because of these common blunders: #1: grammatical errors Google has an approval rate of 95% so there's a chance your blog post, hub or site won't pass their review process. It's always important to take time to reread what you're going to publish, ensuring that the grammar is sound.

 #2: plagiarism You don't want to be accused of plagiarism. It's easy to spot, which is why you should always properly cite all your sources in your content. #3: keyword stuffing Keywords are important, but don't make it obvious to readers or Google because they might flag it as spam.

Way too long posts

The number one rule to content on a blog is to keep the length of posts at 300 words or less. Longer posts can be tough for readers to digest. Plus, longer posts can be too difficult for Google’s bots to crawl and index efficiently, which can lead to AdSense approval delays.

 A general rule of thumb is to keep your posts short, sweet, and to-the-point. A reader should be able to digest a post within 5 minutes. A longer post requires more time from a reader, which leads many readers to quickly lose interest in what you have to say. If it’s difficult for a person to finish reading your post in one sitting, break it up into multiple parts or consider writing about a different topic altogether.

Stealing content

WordPress is keen on detecting the use of duplicate content across their site, so when you publish your post elsewhere, including linking back to the original blog post, there's a decent chance the blog owner might reject your content as a violation of their terms. Plagiarism is even worse and can easily get your site removed from both WordPress and Google.

 Don't take posts from other blogs. If they find out, they'll ban your site. It's best to write your own material and post it on your own site if you want to distribute it elsewhere. The same goes for reposting content (and images) from other sites without permission.

Not following submission guidelines

If you are submitting your blog to a host, it is important to follow the submission guidelines. If a hosting company doesn't want advertisements on their site, then don't advertise. If a company wants original content, then make sure everything on your blog is original. Make sure when you submit a new post for approval that the title tag is updated with the appropriate information before submitting it.


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